An Overview About CBD Vape Juice

CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is one of over a hundred naturally occurring molecules found in the hemp plant. These molecules are known as Cannabinoids - the most famous of which is THC. THC is the criminalised cannabinoid responsible for the infamous psychoactive effects of cannabis. CBD is not to be confused with THC, as it does NOT produce any kind of high. In fact, it has been shown to be non-psychoactive, non-addictive and can even lessen the effects of THC.

With CBD vape juice being such a new development in the vaping world, it can be quite confusing to decide what's best for you. We want to make sure you get the right information before you buy, so we’ve put together this article which covers some of the basics of CBD.

Our LiQuid CBD vape juice range has been tested to ensure it can be safely vaped in most e-cigarettes and should be used in the same way as your normal e-liquid. CBD can react if in contact with water or high VG e-liquids, causing clouding or crystallisation. If your device is also used for vaping nicotine based e-liquids, we strongly recommend cleaning your tank, ensuring it is thoroughly dried and that the coil has been replaced prior to filling with LiQuid CBD e juice.

Should you notice any change in your CBD e-liquid whilst in your tank, this is likely due to cross-contamination. Should this occur, please repeat the prior steps and ensure your tank is completely clean and dry before re-filling.

CBD products can take a number of forms, some with more than one type of cannabinoid (as in Broad-Spectrum Oil) and some using an Isolate form of CBD, as used in our LiQuid CBD e-liquids. CBD Isolate is a pure form of CBD which is added to our e-liquid blends as a crystalline powder.

At Premium CBD Supply, CBDfx while at the same time enjoying the industry leading customer support and shipping service that has made Premium CBD Supply your one-stop shop when it comes to buying CBD online.

What Is CBDistillery Gummies ?

When you choose gummies from CBDistillery, you are garunteed a consistent measured dose of high quality CBD in a easy to consume, portable format. CBDistillery have taken the hassle of shaking a bottle, measuring your serving or counting your drops.

The gummies are simple, accurate, effective and easy to enjoy. CBDistillery have even addressed the aftertaste of hemp, which is not to everyones pallet, so to ensure you enjoy every moment of the gummy from the second you pop it in your mouth, CBDistillery have made their gummies with odourless, flavourless CBD so there is no nasty aftertaste, just the tasty fruit flavours of the nostalgic gummy.

CBD can take many forms. Many people prefer gummies over CBD oil and other forms because gummies are more enjoyable. They don’t have the distinct botanical flavor of CBD oil, and they’re easier to take than capsules or vapes.

CBD oil in most gummies comes from hemp plants and has been separated from THC and other cannabinoids. These products are labeled as Zero THC or THC-free. Some gummies may contain full-spectrum extracts with trace amounts of THC. Such products are still federally legal because they come from hemp, but states can regulate full-spectrum gummies on their own.

These gummy bears feature 99.9% pure CBD, with 750 mg in each piece. Such increments allow for more accurate dosage without going too far and experiencing sedation or other mild side effects.

Since this is an isolate-based product, CBD gummies have a pleasant, fruity taste, without the overwhelming botanical notes carried over from full-spectrum extracts. These are organic gummies, so they are priced a little bit higher than the competition, but still within reason.

At Premium CBD Supply we are excited to offer CBDistillery Gummies at the best prices available and with the superior shipping and customer support you have come to expect.

The Best CBD Gummies for Your Night time

Some lucky people fall asleep within minutes of hitting the pillow. They wake after a good night’s sleep feeling refreshed and ready to start their day. The rest of us, those who have difficulty falling asleep, often wake feeling out of sorts, fatigued, and ready to go back to bed. Mornings are rough.

If you have trouble falling asleep, it’s likely you have already tried some of the better-known sleep-promoting suggestions. If caffeine restrictions, white noise machines, or counting sheep aren’t giving you the results you were hoping for, consider the sleep-promoting benefits of premium cbd supply’s 750mg CBD Night Time Gummies.

The inability to fall asleep within a reasonable amount of time can significantly reduce the amount of sleep you are getting. Even losing less than an hour of sleep each night can slow your reflexes, raise your blood pressure, and try your patience. If your sleep difficulties are more than occasional, you could be one of the millions of Americans living with a sleep disorder.

Introducing CBD Into Your Sleep Routine
The safe, natural plant-based cannabinoids in hemp CBD supplements mimic the messengers and influence the receptors of the communication network regulating every essential function in your body, your endocannabinoid system.

Research shows that supplementing endocannabinoid system function with hemp CBD can help regulate your bodies natural functions, and significantly impact your overall health and well being. For the sweetest method of CBD delivery, customers love our 750mg Night Time Gummies.

At Premium CBD Supply we are excited to offer CBDistillery Gummies at the best prices available and with the superior shipping and customer support you have come to expect.

What Is CBD Oil?

Cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and CBDa are naturally-occurring oils found in the hemp plant. After the plants are grown and harvested, these oils can be extracted from the rest of the plant matter using a variety of techniques.

For example, heating and pressing plant material can result in a sticky extract called rosin that contains terpenes and full cannabinoid profiles. More refined extraction methods using solvents can be used to provide higher cannabinoid purities. A CBD oil is an extract containing CBD that has been dissolved into a carrier oil (such as coconut) to produce a tincture or other CBD product that is easily digested and absorbed into the body, or that can be applied topically.

CBD oils may be made using a very pure CBD extract or isolate, or they may be made using a broad or full spectrum extract so that the final product includes other cannabinoids in addition to CBD. When multiple cannabinoids are combined, they produce a synergistic effect and may have a greater impact on the endocannabinoid system. Koi Naturals CBD Tinctures contain broad-spectrum hemp extract, meaning that all of the cannabinoids present in the hemp plant, excluding THC, are included in the final product.

This CBD oil is designed to provide the synergistic cannabinoid effect without the ‘high’ associated with THC.

At Premium CBD Supply we are pleased to offer the full range of Koi Naturals products at the best prices available and with the industry leading customer support and shipping you have come to expect!

Why CBD Vape Juice Is The Best CBD For You?

Do you need rapid CBD relief? Do you want a safer alternative than smoking? Do you want a tasty and relaxing CBD experience? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then CBD vape juice may be the perfect type of CBD for you.

Vaping has never been more popular in the United States or around the world. Introduced first as a healthier substitute to tobacco smoking, vaping has since had a seismic impact on the CBD market. Many top brands manufacture e-liquids, including CBD Genesis, Koi CBD, CBDistillery, Hempzilla and CBD For the People.

We have a massive selection of premium CBD e-liquids at We’ll be exploring our best-sellers in detail in this CBD vape juice review. We’ll also explore the differences between the various forms of CBD e-liquids available, cover some possible benefits, and answer several key questions.

We hope this guide will become your new CBD vape juice bible! Feel free to use the Table of Contents below to navigate this post, and don’t miss our special CBD vape juice coupon code!

CBD is just about everywhere nowadays in the news media, in your local health and wellness stores, and probably all over your social media feeds. But what exactly is it? Here’s a quick recap if the CBD hype has passed you by!

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many special compounds from cannabis plants known as cannabinoids, and produces no psychoactive effects. CBD levels are outnumbered by psychoactive THC in many cannabis strains, with industrial hemp the crucial exception. The high CBD to THC ratio makes hemp an ideal source of CBD.

CBD products are effective in the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which are composed of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. CBD has a profound effect on the system, although a subtle one which researchers are still just scratching the surface with. Studies show that CBD works to regulate ECS activity, without directly binding to receptors. This novel approach explains why CBD won’t get you high.

Hemp products were legalized in the US in the early 2010s, creating a gap in the market for CBD supplements such as e-liquids. An updated version of the Farm Bill in 2018 confirmed the legal status of hemp-based CBD products with less than 0.3% THC.

Additives or boosters are highly-potent CBD e-liquids designed for mixing with regular non-CBD vape juices. Such e-liquids are normally flavorless so to not affect the flavor of your e-liquid mix. Additives work well with both nicotine and standard e-liquids, and are technically compatible with CBD e-liquids, too. Although if you want more strength, it’s easier to just buy a more potent CBD vape juice!

At Premium CBD Supply we carry the most delicious and effective brands of CBD vape juice available, each complete with independent lab testing.

Some Information You Need to Know About the CBD

CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol. It has been used by people for a long time and helps to get rid of the symptoms of many common ailments. Recently it was found that a number of common problems such as lack of cognitive abilities, mental disorders, anxiety, and both internal and external pain can be relieved by the use of CBD oil in any form.

CBD is extracted from the marijuana plant but it is not psychoactive in nature due to the absence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Many consumers prefer the use of CBD oil over normal medications due to its quick impact and fast recovery from the troubling symptoms.

What exactly are the benefits of using CBD oil which are impressing even medical professionals? Let us take a look at the advantages of CBD oil and extract here:

CBD oil has been found to help the heart grow stronger. It helps the circulatory system of the patient and also helps in preventing high blood pressure.

CBD oil also has some neuroprotective properties. It propagates brain protection and also helps relieve the symptoms of any form of mental disorder.

CBD oil has also shown positive effects on decreasing the effects of acne on the skin. CBD prevents over-regulation of sebum in the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve symptoms of acne.

CBD oil can also relieve certain cancer-related symptoms, according to the latest research. CBD helps in alleviating pain and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
Continuous use of CBD on both animals and humans has also shown positive effects on reducing depression and anxiety. It has certain properties due to which it acts similar to a normal anti-depressant.

CBD, when administered to a patient with THC, can help alleviate pain caused by certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

CBD has also shown certain properties due to which it can prevent diabetes along with the spreading of any form of tumor growth in animal and human glands.
Researchers have also shown that CBD can be used to treat patients involved in substance abuse and patients suffering from mental disorders like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Side Effects
CBD oil and extract do not have any form of side effects generally, but it can cause certain problems in patients who might have developed an allergic reaction to CBD. The side-effects include fatigue, any form of change in the weight or appetite or diarrhea.

CBD can be consumed in the form of candy or tea. It can also be applied directly to the affected part in the form of oil or cream.

CBD is an amazing source of medication that can be used instead of normal medication. However, you must check with your doctor before using it because you might be allergic to the product. CBD is a great product, but you must be very careful while using it. Also, CBD is effective only if applied at the initial or intermediate stages. It is best to consult a medical professional in case of a serious case of any disease.

At Premium CBD Supply we offer the most reputable hemp consumables available anywhere, each backed up by independent laboratory testing.

What Are CBD Topicals & How do they Work

CBD topicals are any hemp-infused product that is designed to be applied to the skin.

The body has within it a vast network of receptors called the endocannabinoid system or ECS for short. The cannabis compounds found in hemp interact with these receptors to help maintain homeostasis (balance) throughout the bodily systems. Endocannabinoid system receptors are found in the brain, immune cells, organs, connective tissues, glands - and the skin.

Topical CBD works differently than ingested products. When you swallow capsules or hold a tincture under the tongue, the cannabis content in the product is absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive process or via the mucous membranes. These compounds then act on a "system-level" throughout the body - generally over a 4-8 hour period.

When applied topically, CBD penetrates through the skin to interact with the local ECS receptors. These products help maintain healthy skin function and can be used to target specific issues like soreness or skin conditions. Topicals can work for extended periods because the active ingredients are applied, absorbed and interact directly with the affected skin area (and beyond!).

When to Buy Topical CBD?

Even with an understanding of how topical CBD products work, you may still be wondering when you'd choose them, especially when faced with a wide range of product choices available today. Our view on topicals is that they are perfect in two cases:

If you have a specific skin or localized issue that you need regular support with.
As a compliment to an ingestible product to be used on an as-needed basis.

For example, someone with an ongoing skin issue may choose to apply topical hemp extracts regularly. These customers might never use an ingestible product as their issue is localized and specific. As a contrasting example, we find that many people, for example athletes, choose to use both ingestible and topical CBD in tandem. This allows them 'system-level' support of an ingestible combined with local, specific support of a topical.

Beyond these standard regular use cases, there are many 'special occasion' cases where a CBD topical might be a great go-to. Bath bombs being a great example, a CBD massage being another.

Premium CBD Supply offers the most reputable CBD Topical products, from bath bombs and lotions to facial serums, each with independent lab testing.